Project closing note: Personal Progress
I've been evolving my productivity process for a long time and there are a few aspects that really work for me. One of them is doing official starting and ending ceremonies. By official I mean a session where you pretend to report findings to your boss although they and everyone else are (suspiciously) quite. Often that report means going through the project template and discussing all notes. Then, ceremonially move the project file/note to a different directory with all other completed (not necessarily successfully) projects and writing out learnings.
Since I've already shared a bit about the Perosnal Progress, I thought that I might share as well the concluding words. Below is a header of my project file for the Personal Progress. What's below the header is the project template, followed by notes written on every health checks.
Personal Progress
Activity: Completed Duration: Mid-term Status: SuccessLeanings
Time estimation
Although I was fairly confident in the time estimation, the target date had to be change a few times. These were related to another project taking higher priority and a few requirement changes to this. Requirement changes were due to used technology and companies behind it. Changing the target date for this project is not a concern; it has little impact on anything.Technology
Many components I worked with were new to me. The frontend is in React with Bootstrap, backend in Python with Flask, MongoDB as a database, proxying with Nginx and they all are in separate Docker containers. Deployment via the Docker-compose with docker-machine to the Digital Ocean droplets. Despite some frustrating moments I really enjoyed learning all of that. Definitely will try to reuse the stack for future projects.Personal information
This project allows me to keep track of my personal views. Replying to the same questions every few months/years will let me learn more about myself.
What's not written explicitly in the header is that the project is completed though the webpage is not. There are some bugs to fix and features that would be nice to have, however, they're not on the top of the priority. The result is good for what is intended to be. If there are requests to change something then that will be taken care of but there's no value in thinking about it now and being reminded every two weeks. Mental freedom and being fair with myself is more important.